In the last, 18th round of Juniors league of Belgrade, Mega Hypo Leasing beat in away game Red star, by 74 68. Scorers for Mega HL: Celebic 6, Matovic 9, Blagojevic 21, Valjarevic 3, Drekalovic 11, M Lukovic 12, S Lukovic 5, Demcesen 7. Juniors of Mega HL, coached by Zarko Vucurevic, finished the league on the 2 nd position, what s the biggest success.
Standing: 1 FMP Zeleznik 2 Mega HL 3 Red star 4 Beovuk 5 Zemun 6 Partizan..................
The first 4 teams qualified for Final tournament of Serbian juniors championship.