SVETISLAV PESIC, head coach of YU national team, announced yesterday the list of 17 candidates for World championship in Indiana, and he schoked everybody, because he did not put on the list JOVO STANOJEVIC, the center of Partizan (1977 207). Stanojevic had great season, was the kee player of Partizan, and brought to the team YU Cup and YU Championship (after 5 years). He was MVP of the league, and with no doubt was the top player in the league. In the same time he played very well in Euro league. Nobody understands what the NT head coach wanted. He put among the candidates many guys from YUBA league, with not such a great season, as Jovo had. In the same time on his position he invited after so many years Koturovic, in his 32, without thinking about the future of the national team, and on that way confirmed that he knows much better German than Yugoslavian league. It looks like that for players is much better to play in Germany than in Yugoslavia, if they want to participate in national team of Yugoslavia. It s joke off course. But comparing the stats of Koturovic and Stanojevic in Euro league you KOTUROVIC 12,9 points 7,4 rebounds per game STANOJEVIC 16,4 points 8,1 reobunds per game, and for sure Partizan had much bigger role in Euro league than ALBA this season. But, let s wait till the 13th of July, when Pesic will explain his list to the journalists.
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