JOVO STANOJEVIC, the top player of Partizan ICN, is very disapointed with decision of the NT Head coach, not to invite him on the preparation of the national team of Yugoslavia. Jovo was MVP of the league, and his team won the Cup and the Championship, but obviously it was not enough for Mr Svetislav Pesic. All the YU basketball people are shocked with decision. Stanojevic, who has two more years contract with Partizan, and clause that could leave after the season 2002/03 with small buy out, lost motivation to play in YUBA league, and desperately wants to leave the club, league and the country. He asked president of the club Mr Vlade Divac, to let him go, excpeting that Divac and Danilovic will understand his situation and let him go with reasonable amount of money. The decision will be known not later than Tuesday. The rummours that Stanojevic is going to URAL GREAT are 100% not true, because he does not want to go to the clubs which are non participants of Euro league.
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